I've taken the website offline, it's no longer financial viable for me to maintain site. I haven't sold any books for such a long time.
The final list of money raised as at the 12th August 2015 is $9,000.00 and donated back to community groups, from the sale of the Marysville Cookbook, which was created after the devastation of the Victorian Black Saturday Bushfires. The Community groups that have benefited are as follows:-
Marysville Anglican Guild $700.00
Marysville Bowls and Golf Club $600.00
Marysville and District Cricket Club $600.00
Marysville Football and Netball Club $600.00
Marysville Girl Guides $600.00
Marysville Kindergarten $600.00
Marysville Primary School $400.00
Marysville Saddle Tramps $400.00
*Marysville Tourist Association $4,500.00** - from sales made within Marysville
The Marysville Tourist Association uses the funds available to replace lost signage and advertise the area and encourage people to return.
You too can own a copy of the Marysville Cookbook for $42.00, which includes the cost of postage and handling, Australia wide (Postage has risen dramatically since 2009)
I can also be found on Facebook at Marysville Cookbook
I still have some copies of the Marysville Cookbook left if you would like to purchase one. The cooking is plain, healthy, country style cooking You don't have to spend hours in front of the stove. The index is not only by recipe name, but also major ingredient. Have too many eggs, check out the recipes under eggs, too many zucchinis? You get the drift.
My email address is marysvillecookbook@gmail.com
Read the blog, find some fantastic yummy recipes and if you feel that way inclined. buy one of the books directly from me.
Noting: At NO POINT in time have I profited from the this venture. The sums are buried here somewhere in this blog, after someone accused me of profiteering.
THE STORY: The Marysville Cookbook was created by me, for the township of Marysville (and surrounds) It was created after someone who is like an aunty to me, lamented the lose of the their mothers jam recipe.
I couldn't replace that recipe, but I could create a cookbook to replace those lost in the fires. Some 5 months later, many sleepless nights and working full-time, I cobbled together the first copy of the Marysville Cookbook and GAVE 300 copies to people within the area known as The Triangle. Not long after people wanted to buy the cookbook, so I did a second run. Thinking how can the township benefit from this, I realised I could donate $10 from the sale of EACH book back to community groups within town. And that's what I did.
I'm not a wordsmith, I'm not a book publisher, I've never published a book before, I didn't even have any help. Everything was self-taught, from the font to use, to the borders, the layouts, who do I get to the printing and even the logistics of unloading the pallet when in arrived on my doorstep with no fork-lift!
I've given over 340 books to people of Marysville and surrounds, some into Kinglake and the rest to CFA units across the state. In total 534 books.
~One person can make a difference it only takes one person to make someone smile.~
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