January 6, 2011


Another Special Request!

2 Tbspn of Golden Syrup
2 Tbspn of Sugar
1 Tspn of Bi-Carbonate Soda

Boil the syrup and sugar for approx. 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in the soda quickly. Whilst still bubbling, pour onto a greased tray. Allow to set and break or cut into pieces.
DO NOT spread the honeycomb with a spoon after pouring as this will flatten the honeycomb.

I've been using this recipe for 30 odd years, it's one of the first I remember ever cooking


This recipe along with many other family favourites are in the Marysville Cookbook, you too can own a copy for $35 anywhere in Australia. $10 from EACH AND EVERY sale helps the community of Marysville rebuild from the devastation of the Black Saturday Fires of February 2009
Marysville Cookbook

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