December 17, 2011

The Cookbook for Charlton – Dead in the Water

As per the following three posts, there has been complications:- The Middle the Death Knoll

I was approached to do something for the Charlton area similar to the Marysville Cookbook. I was promised by an individual that they would organise the printing and distribution, after many lies, and refused communications (registered mail) on their behalf. They accused me of copyright** and various other slanderous things, then proceeded to drop the ball.

Someone else picked up the ball, but they didn’t seem that interested either. So the cookbook languished somewhere on someone’s desk, until I requested that the material was returned to me.

I attempted to source funding, but was unable to, the delays with the original person, meant that people were no longer interested in helping a community that was better off forgotten in their eyes, because things were ‘okay’ Which I can assure you they are NOT.

Not long after a gentleman contacted me and advised that he would be taking over and thought it a brilliant idea and he would take over, source the funding and similar. I thought that perhaps this was the opportunity for me to help a community so in need. (for the second time)

Alas, it has not worked. No funding has been sourced, another local large (international) community group has now created a cookbook for the area. Which means that there is nothing further that I can do to help.

So, the Charlton Cookbook is no more and consequently all material relating to this project will be destroyed and the people who assisted with the supply of the photos etc, will be informed that this is the case.

I’m sorry – but I can do no more.

**ALL photos was sourced from private collections, therefore NO copyright applied, I had full permission of the owners of the prints to use them in the Charlton Cookbook

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